PERFORMANCE @ Ponta de Campina Beach, Cabedelo, PB, Brazil
Nov 20th and 25th
08:00 (GMT -3)
12:00 (GMT 1)
Live on @maisumcoletivodearte
To suspend the sky and experience the fall. To live in the time of the tidal cycles, of the fish shoals, of the contemplative breath, of the winds of Ponta de Campina Beach.
In this artistic performance, the members of +Um Coletivo de Arte (+1 Art Collective) experiment ways of being and moving in dialogue with the landscape of sand, sea water, wind, human action in the area, the forest of Ponta de Campina Beach, Paraíba (Brazil), displacing the perceptions of their common places.
The sound of the wind amplified and modified through a sound installation with PET bottles invites the audience to an amplified experience of listening and sensations of the beach area and of our bodies in this interaction. The work will be performed in person and broadcasted via streaming.
+Um Coletivo de Arte (+1 Art Collective) emerged from the creative process of the work “Bagaço”. The artists of the collective Rafaella Lira Amorim, Tânia Neiva, Maurício Barbosa and Luna Dias (until 2020) were faced with the challenge of performing scenic experimentations regarding the reflections on the making of dance history through the act of dancing. From this first work, the collective started to create a series of performances that discuss the place of historical knowledge and its material vestiges. Since then, the collective has been working with performances in public spaces, with video performance and giving workshops.