Earth Performance from jutta-ravenna on Vimeo.
SUN NOV 14th
15:00 (BR) 19:00 (DE)
In-person only with pre-booking at
(max.20 people)
Rungestraße, 20
10179, Berlin-Mitte
for solo voice buried in an oral cavity
In this sound performance, the oral cavity is manually filled up with earth in phases in order to completely muffle a sound in seven degrees of volume. The performer reproduces the sound of a screaming human voice. The sound gradually disappears into the depths and slides down into the body with an increasingly muffled voice until it falls silent.
Without narration, in very slow tempo, and making use of gesture and tonal language, this performance talks about the transformation of a repetitive sound of the human voice (Vox Humana), while dives down into the darkness and shadows of the body’s interior. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the performance touches the heart of the matter and, acoustically penetrating the earth element, tells the story of the transformation of a Conditio Humana on the planet.
The approximately 5-minutes performance will be streamed online on Nov 14th. Additionally, a video loop will be presented at the Errant Sound gallery from November 20th to November 30th, 2021.
Concept and production: Jutta Ravenna
Performer: Elai Messell
Video camera and cut: Julia Cremers
As sound-artist, she works with visual and acoustical objéts trouvés. On the border between
visual art and music, she researches intermodal perception qualities between acoustic and
visual themes, mostly with site specific installations. Since 1994 she exhibits her installations on lakes, abandoned shipyards, a gelatine factory, old churches and monasteries, radio stations and universities. Her work can be found in several exhibitions in Germany and abroad, such as São Paulo Film Festival, Goethe Center Santa Cruz (Bolivia), Soundtower St. Pölten (Austria), DARB-1718 (Egypt), Sonambiente Festival, Singuhr Hoergalerie, Villa Contarini Padova, Akademie der Künste Berlin. She is the co-founder of the “Klangkunst im Dialog”events of Berliner Gesellschaft für Neue Musik (BGNM).