PRESS : Radio
DeutschlandFunk (3.11. 2020, 9min.): Rezension von Fransziska Buhre (Hörspiel-Magazin)
‘Whether it is the reappraisal of political events, as in the case of Gola, or the individual experience of the visitors as a starting point for radio plays, installations or videos’, sound art – and this is what the Dystopia Sound Art Festival shows – proves to be astonishingly resilient (resistant) in the current situation, because sound artists remain on the ‘sound track’ of local and global phenomena.’
DeutschlandFunk Kultur (2.4.2021, 00:05, 55min.):
Concert recording from the festival programme: Thom Kubli, Chico Mello + Fernanda Farah ‘At the same time, the fictional, artistic dystopia always carries the seeds of utopia. This could be heard at the Dystopia sound art festival, whose third edition in 2020 was dedicated to the guest country Brazil.’
DeutschlandFunk Kultur (16.10. 2020, 9 min.):
Talk with co-curator Laura Mello, (Hartwig Vens, Kompressor) ‘For many, dystopia is reality – especially in Brazil.’
Cashmere Radio Berlin (9.10. 2020, 55min.):
The Rest Is Music: Dystopie Festival 2020 – Interview with Georg Klein and Laura Mello (Nico Daleman) ‘Georg Klein and Laura Mello talk about the challenges of the 2020 edition of the Dystopia Festival happening from the 16 of October to the 1st of November in Berlin.’