Opening Hours
Fri-Sun 2–8 pm, Mon-Thu 2–6 pm > ONLINE-TICKET
btw. Mühlendammbrücke and Jannowitzbrücke/Rungestr.
Errant Sound
Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin
Please respect social distancing and wear a face mask (mandatory from
the age of 6). The restrictions can change. > Festival hygiene concept
Entry Fee
Exhibition Alte Münze: 10€ (incl. festival catalog)
(possibly performance/concert inclusive) (children up to 12 years: free)
Online registration and time-slot ticket > ONLINE-TICKET
Exhibition Errant Sound, installations and events in public space : free entry
Due to Corona the number of visitors is limited: [status: Oct. 25th]
• Alte Münze Exhibition: 90 (30 per time-slot)
• Alte Münze Maschinenhalle (performance/concert): 30
• Public space: 10-30 (depending on event)
• Errant Sound Project Space: 10
• Curatorial guides: 10
Artistic directors : Georg Klein, Laura Mello
Curatorial team : Mario Asef, Alexandre Sperandéo Fenerich, Julia Gerlach, Kirsten Reese
Heads of production : Mario Asef, Georg Klein
Technical manager : Kassian Troyer
Press relations : Barbara Gstaltmayr
Editing / translation : Helen Adkins
Grafic design : szim /
Website : Georg Werner /
For the DYSTOPIE Festival an open call was organised for the first time.
From the 382 projects submitted, 17 were selected, mostly new productions for the festival.
Further co-productions:
• Yerevan Biennial Art Foundation for Yerevan Biennial 2020/2021 (Vivian Caccuri / Gustavo von Ha)
• Jubilee, Mondriaan Fonds, Dark Ecology, and Sonic Acts (Justin Bennett)
• Tokyo Biennale and Bildstörung Festival (Marco Barotti)